Grants and Funding Opportunities
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program – Apply by Jan 30
The Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration grant program seeks to develop community capacity to sustain local natural resources for future generations by providing modest financial assistance to diverse local partnerships focused on improving water quality, watersheds and the species and habitats they support. Projects include a variety of ecological improvements along with targeted community outreach, education and stewardship. Ecological improvements may include one or more of the following: wetland, riparian, forest and coastal habitat restoration; wildlife conservation, community tree canopy enhancement, wildlife habitat, urban agriculture and community gardens, wildlife and water quality monitoring and green infrastructure best management practices for managing run-off.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation expects that applicants will represent a mixture of urban and rural communities and that more than half of projects awarded will engage underserved communities. Grants for this program are available nationwide, but additional funding is available in the Seattle area, as well as Lewis and Thurston counties in Washington. Awards range from $30,000 to $60,000.
Tackling Emerging Contaminants: EPA Technical Assistance – No Deadline
EPA has launched the Tackling Emerging Contaminants initiative, a technical assistance program focused on reducing exposure to perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and other emerging contaminants in small or disadvantaged communities. This assistance will help eligible public drinking-water systems evaluate emerging contaminant issues, conduct initial water quality testing, and identify next steps in 200 small or disadvantaged communities over the next three years. EPA will also share best practices and amplify successes through case studies, fact sheets, webinars, and other resources. There is no deadline to apply.
Transboundary Watershed Grant Program Announcement – Applications due January 17, 2025
The EPA has released a Notice of Funding Opportunity: EPA-R10-WD-TWG-2025-01 for entities interested in conducting planning, coordination, and monitoring activities in transboundary watersheds with existing or proposed mines in the Province of British Columbia that impact (or could impact) U.S. waters. Under this announcement, EPA will have three separate applicant tracks for eligible applicants to choose from.
- Track One is for development of transboundary watershed programs that address potential impacts from existing or proposed mining activities in B.C. in the Kootenai watershed in the state and/or Tribal territories within Idaho and Montana.
- Track Two is for development of transboundary watershed programs that address potential impacts from existing or proposed mining activities in B.C. in transboundary watersheds in the state of and/or Tribal territories within Washington.
- Track Three is for development of transboundary watershed programs that address potential impacts from existing or proposed mining activities in B.C. in transboundary watersheds in the state of and/or Tribal territories within Alaska.
The funds for this action are authorized under Public Law 118 HR 4366 which will be issued from the Office of International and Tribal Affairs. Through PL-118 HR 4366, Congress specifically directs EPA to “continue and expand its work coordinating with Federal, State, local, and Tribal agencies to monitor and reduce transboundary mining pollution in the Kootenai watershed and other U.S.- British Columbia transboundary watersheds”.
Eligible Applicants: State, Tribal, and local government entities
Funding Opportunity Number: EPA-R10-WD-TWG-2025-01
Assistance Listing Number: 66.436
Total Available Funds: $1,800,000
Minimum Application Amount: $50,000
Maximum Application Amount: $600,000
Project Length: 1 to 6 years
Number of Awards Anticipated: 2 to 3 Awards per Track. Up to 10 Awards Total
The EPA will host a virtual informational webinar for prospective applicants on December 3rd from 10:00-11:30 AM Pacific. EPA staff will provide an overview of the NOFO and answer frequently asked questions. The webinar will be recorded and made available upon request.
All applicationsmust be received by electronic submission through by 11:59 PM Eastern on January 17, 2025.
More information, including how to join the webinar, can be found on our website at Transboundary Watershed Grant Program I EPA.
Please help us get the word out by sharing this announcement with your networks!
Transboundary Watershed Program
Environmental Protection Agency
Point of Contact: Tyler Chatriand. Email:
NASA’s A.60 Earth Action: Ecological Conservation Grants – Apply by Mar. 14
This funding opportunity will help accelerate biodiversity conservation, fueled with NASA information about the Earth as a system. The NASA Earth Science Division seeks proposals for projects that apply Earth observations to improve or develop decision-making activities in ecological conservation and management. Any area of ecological conservation is welcome (e.g., invasive species, protected area management, fisheries or wildlife management, habitat restoration, ecosystem services, rewilding, biodiversity protection). The awards will support feasibility activities to support new collaboration and engagement, and decisional activities to help scale efforts that show promise.
Notices of intent may be submitted by February 14, 2025. Applications are due by March 14. See page 16 of the solicitation for information on funding amounts and project periods.
On January 13, NASA will host an informational webinar: Register
EPA’s Climate Resilience and Adaptation Funding Toolbox
EPA’s Climate Resilience and Adaptation Funding Toolbox (CRAFT) contains resources to help EPA’s funding applicants and recipients make climate-informed investments. CRAFT includes overviews of EPA funding programs where climate resilience considerations might be incorporated, climate risk tools and resources to evaluate and consider climate change risks, and communication materials to facilitate meaningful discussions about adaptation, resilience and environmental justice.
Restoring Tribal Priority Fish Passage through Barrier Removal: NOAA Grants – Apply by Feb 27, 2025
Funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Program will support federally recognized Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations, and Tribal organizations in implementing fish passage work and building Tribal organizational capacity. NOAA will accept proposals between $300,000 and $6 million. Funds can be used to implement removals of dams and other in-stream barriers. Selected projects will assist in sustaining fisheries and contributing to the recovery of endangered species.
NOAA will host a webinar on December 12 to discuss this funding opportunity for Tribes.
EPA’s GAP Notice of Funding Availability – Apply by Jan 21, 2025
EPA has released the GAP Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for work beginning on or after October 1, 2025. The NOFA is comprised of the national notice and the Region 10 supplement. Submit proposals by email to your EPA Tribal Coordinator.
DOE’s Community Power Accelerator
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Community Power Accelerator connects community-benefiting solar projects and developers (including community-based organizations) with philanthropists, lenders, and investors to drive a more equitable clean energy transition. The Accelerator offers five free services to connect developers and projects with capital providers, training opportunities, technical assistance, a credit-ready checklist, and the DOE Community Power Accelerator Prize.
Puget Sound Recovery Acceleration Funding Tool
The Puget Sound Partnership is the state agency leading the region’s collective effort to restore and protect Puget Sound. The Partnership’s Puget Sound Recovery Acceleration Funding Tool (PS RAFT) collects information about national, state, and regional funding opportunities.
WSDOT’s Transportation Justice Leadership Grant Program (WA) – Apply by May 15, 2025
Developed in partnership with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and community allies, this program is a direct response to the need for equitable, community-centered transportation solutions. Applicants must serve overburdened communities, vulnerable populations, and people disproportionately impacted by transportation inequities, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. Grant funds must be used for low-carbon transportation improvements that benefit environmental justice communities in Washington State.
Revegetation with Native Plants: USFS Outreach of Interest – Apply by Feb 7, 2025
This outreach of interest from the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) aims to cultivate relationships and connect with potential partners. USFS is interested in USDA Forest Service is interested in potential partnerships to help collect, map, develop, monitor, and restore native plants on national forest lands. Your submission signals an opportunity for USDA Forest Service to explore with you your ideas/projects/programs and federal funding opportunities. USFS is also interested in engaging and educating community members, youth, veterans, tribes, students, underserved communities, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) programs. Both partners would benefit through the sharing of knowledge, input to revegetation programs and priorities on national forest lands, and hands-on knowledge identifying, handling, and processing native plant materials, and/or monitoring and documenting native plant revegetation success.
DOE’s Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development – Jan 23, 2025
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, which include Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations, to 1) conduct clean energy planning; (2) comprehensively assess the feasibility and viability of deploying clean energy technology; or, (3) conduct clean energy design and development activities.
DOE will host a webinar on October 24 to discuss this funding opportunity.
NTIA Native Entity Capacity & Planning Grant Program Application Window
By: Angela Thi Bennett, Director of Digital Equity, NTIA Today, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announces the opening of the application window for funding for Native Entities as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s Digital Equity Capacity and Planning Grant programs. Achieving digital equity is essential for Indian Tribes, Alaskan Native Entities, and Native Hawaiian organizations (collectively referred to as “Native Entities”) to preserve their cultures, share knowledge, and access crucial services. This grant funding opportunity supports Native Entities in promoting the meaningful use of the Internet, empowering communities to leverage digital tools and skills for long-term growth and well-being. Both the State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program and the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program set aside funding specifically designated for Native Entities, empowering them with the agency and sovereignty to design programs that enhance digital access and expand opportunities within their communities, allowing them to shape solutions that best meet their unique needs. Of the $45,300,000 total: $42,000,000 from the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program is available for digital equity and inclusion activities, and $3,300,000 from the State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program is for digital equity planning purposes. From 9/25/2024 until 2/7/2025, Native Entities can apply to use these Capacity & Planning Grant Program funds to carry out digital equity and inclusion activities consistent with the Digital Equity Act. Funding for Native Entities will be determined through a competitive process. Applicants must submit a single application, and may apply for either only Capacity Grant Funds, OR both Capacity and Planning Grant Funds. Standalone applications for Planning Grant Funds will not be accepted. Investing in digital equity empowers Native Entities to strengthen their communities and increase self-sufficiency. We look forward to applications that will demonstrate collective impact. We are stronger together. Consortium applications may facilitate impactful awards that will reach the people who need it the most. Interested in applying for funding under the Native Entity Capacity and Planning Grant Program? Visit the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program: Native Entities | BroadbandUSA ( to view the application materials. |
DOE’s Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development Grant – Apply by Jan 23, 2025
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, including Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations, to conduct clean energy planning, comprehensively assess the feasibility and viability of deploying clean energy technology, or conduct clean energy design and development activities. DOE expects to fund 20-40 awards, totaling approximately $25 million.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program – Apply by May 31, 2025
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program is a flexible, formula grant program to advance energy efficiency and conservation and reduce emissions. Federally recognized Tribes and Alaska Native Villages & Corporations are eligible for non-competitive grants that can be used to advance community goals (e.g., weatherization, building upgrades, energy planning, and clean transportation). The deadline to apply is May 31, 2025.
DOE will host a webinar to discuss this funding opportunity on September 25.
EPA’s Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grants for Tribes and Tribal Consortia – Apply by Mar 14, 2025
The next round of EPA’s Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling (SWIFR)grants for Tribes and Tribal Consortia will provide approximately $20 million in awards ranging from $100,000 to $1.5 million each. Tribes and Intertribal consortia are eligible to apply. SWIFR will assist local waste management authorities by supporting improvements to local post-consumer materials management, including municipal recycling programs, and assisting local waste management authorities in making improvements to local waste management systems. The SWIFR grant program provides a critical opportunity to fund a wide range of projects to increase recycling, reduce contamination, and promote a circular economy for materials by investing in solid waste management infrastructure.
EPA will host two webinars to discuss this funding opportunity: one on October 16 and one on October 29.
Northwest Environmental Justice Center Library of Funding Opportunities
The Northwest Environmental Justice Center has created an up-to-date library of funding opportunities for communities across Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
- View the table of funding opportunities, which can be sorted by funding type and state.
DOE’s Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates Program – Apply by May 31, 2025
The Department of Energy’s Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) program will provide non-competitive funds to Tribes to provide energy efficiency and weatherization upgrades to low- and middle-income households, including $4.5 billion in rebates for high-efficiency electricity upgrades in homes across the nation. Allocations for OR, WA, ID and AK Tribes include:
- $20 million total between OR, ID, and WA Tribes (between $155,549 and $1.407 million per Tribe)
- $50 million for Alaska Native Villages, Native Corporations and Regional Corporations (between $84,442 and $3 million per Tribe)
Tribes may conduct the work, or a third-party implementer can conduct the work on behalf of a Tribe’s HEAR program. Tribes may also form a Consortium with other Tribes to apply for the combined allocated funds as a single entity.
Planning Assistance: US Army Corps of Engineers
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) offers two types of assistance through its Planning Assistance Program: technical assistance and comprehensive plans. Topics include flood risk management, ecosystem restoration, and navigation, as well as water supply and water resilience. Tribes are eligible to apply; regional coalitions of governmental entities may also partner with USACE to develop water resources comprehensive plans. Detailed design, specification, and construction are not included.
Examples of past studies and activities completed under PAS include:
- Watershed planning
- Flood risk management
- Surface and groundwater quality
- Stormwater management
- Coastal resiliency
- Environmental Conservation and Restoration
- Water supply and demand
- Wetland delineations
- Stream assessments
- GIS mapping
Projects are cost shared with the study partner (50% federal funding and 50% non-federal funding). The non-federal cost share for preparing a water resources Comprehensive Plan may be provided either by direct funds or by in-kind support; the cost share for technical assistance must be provided in funds by the project partner. A cost-share waiver is available for eligible communities that meet the definition of economically disadvantaged communities.
Requests for assistance must be in the form of a letter that includes the location and problem to be investigated. To apply, submit a letter to your local USACE district:
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Financing Network for Communities
On August 16, EPA obligated $27 billion in grants to Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund recipients under three competitions: the National Clean Investment Fund, Clean Communities Investment Accelerator, and Solar for All. Together, the programs will create a national financing network for clean energy and climate solutions. With funds now in hand, recipients can begin delivering financing for clean technology projects in communities across the country. Solar for All recipients will invest 100% of program funds in low-income and disadvantaged communities. National Clean Investment Fund and Clean Communities Investment Accelerator recipients will dedicate over $14 billion of program funds toward low-income and disadvantaged communities — including over $4 billion for rural communities and almost $1.5 billion for Tribal communities.
Clean Bus Planning Awards: Technical Assistance from NREL
The new Clean Bus Planning Awards (CPBA) program from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) offers technical assistance to create action plans for transit agencies and school districts to get their electric fleets rolling. CBPA also offers deployment assistance for participating fleets, making it easier to transition from planning to implementation. The program connects transit and school bus fleets with technical experts to support planning for bus electrification. Fleets also have the option to receive free deployment assistance from NREL at the completion of their plan. There is no specific deadline to apply.
USDA Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program
USDA Rural Development funds grants for water and waste disposal facilities and services on federally-recognized tribal lands, colonias and rural areas that face significant health risks due to a lack of access to adequate, affordable water or waste disposal.
Application closes when all funding is awarded.
Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program | Rural Development (
Western IPM Center Planning Documents Grants – Applications accepted on a rolling basis
Funding: Up to $15,000 per award, available 2022-2026
Details: These grants can be used to produce Pest Management Strategic Plans, Crop Profiles or other IPM-related plans. Proposals will be considered on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted.
Deadline: None
Census Bureau Indigenous Data Sovereignty Symposium - Splash
Census Bureau Indigenous Data Sovereignty Symposium - Splash - Wednesday, February 12, 2025This content isn't available right now
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