Posted 7/14/21: EPA Response to Transition Letter from RTOC

EPA Responds to RTOC Transition Letter EPA Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator Jane Nishida sent this letter in response to a letter RTOC Chair Raymond Paddock sent regarding requests to the new EPA administration. Original post is here

Posted 3/30/21: Tribal Science Council Presentation

National EPA – Tribal Science Council Presentation: Collecting Examples of Indigenous Research Frameworks, Protocols and Methodologies Tribal Science Council Co-Chair Neil Patterson, Jr. shared this presentation at the March RTOC meeting. He has graciously...

Posted 3/26/21: RTOC Letter to EPA on transition

Region 10 Requests in New Administration The RTOC sent this letter to US EPA with requests and suggested initial actions in response to President Biden’s Memorandum on Tribal Consultation and Strengthening Nation-to-Nation Relationships.