YRITWC’s Water, Watershed, and Ecology Workbooks

The Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (YRITWC) produced two coloring and activity books for youth this fall: Water and Watersheds (~5th ~8th grade), and Watersheds and Ecology (~8th ~12th grade). Both are focused on the Yukon River.

EPA’s Combined ETEP and GAP Work Plan Template

Brand spanking new and hot off the presses! If you’ve thought of combining your EPA-Tribal Environmental Plan (ETEP) with your GAP work plan – which should make it easier to keep both documents aligned and up to date – EPA has a new, optional template that can help....

GAP Notice of Funding Availability

EPA has released the GAP Notice of Funding Availability for work beginning on or after October 1, 2025. The NOFA is comprised of the national notice and the Region 10 supplement. Proposals are due by January 21.   A reminder that you can find all the documents...

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Solar Panel Recycling: EPA Website

Diverting solar panels from landfills to recycling saves space in landfills in addition to capturing the value of the raw materials. So, how do you recycle a solar panel? Visit EPA ‘s Solar Panel Recycling web page for answers.