EPA’s Combined ETEP and GAP Work Plan Template

Brand spanking new and hot off the presses! If you’ve thought of combining your EPA-Tribal Environmental Plan (ETEP) with your GAP work plan – which should make it easier to keep both documents aligned and up to date – EPA has a new, optional template that can help....

EPA Resources to Inform Renters and Buyers about Lead Hazards

There is no safe level of lead exposure, particularly for children. EPA has released updated sample lead disclosure forms that will give renters and homebuyers clearer and more specific information about lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards in pre-1978...

Alliance for Green Heat’s Firewood Safety Initiative

The Firewood Community Safety Initiative is aimed at any firewood bank or high wood burning town. Those who participate will receive technical assistance from the Alliance for Green Heat to improve the safety of low-income households that heat with wood. A free...