Alliance for Green Heat’s Firewood Safety Initiative

The Firewood Community Safety Initiative is aimed at any firewood bank or high wood burning town. Those who participate will receive technical assistance from the Alliance for Green Heat to improve the safety of low-income households that heat with wood. A free...

Certified Native Community Development Financial Institutions

The Native Certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Network serve as a national voice and advocate for the 60+ U.S. Treasury-certified Native CDFIs. Native CDFIs help Native American communities overcome systemic barriers to entrepreneurial...

Brownfields Grants: EPA Webinar Recordings

EPA is soliciting applications for Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund and Cleanup Grant funding. These grants help communities turn vacant and abandoned properties into community assets that attract jobs and promote economic revitalization. Applications are...

Toxics in the Community: EPA Webinar Recording

In this webinar, Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Program staff, the Local Government Environmental Assistance Network, and the Environmental Law Institute discuss how the TRI can help local and Tribal governments respond to community concerns and protect community...