E-Enterprise for the Environment

Through E-Enterprise for the Environment, EPA, states, and Tribes are working together to improve environmental program management by streamlining processes and modernizing technology. It is governed by three goals: Early and meaningful dialogue with partners who make...

EPA Adds Nine PFAS to the Toxics Release Inventory

On Jan. 3, EPA announced the addition of 9 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances to the list of chemicals covered by the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI). TRI data is reported to EPA annually by industrial and federal facilities that manufacture, process, or otherwise use...

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: EPA Fact Sheet

Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless and toxic gas. Carbon monoxide symptoms can be flu-like or may look like other health problems. At high levels, carbon monoxide can be deadly. Share this excellent fact sheet with your community.  

Tribal Training and Technical Assistance Opportunities: Got any?

EPA Region 10 is updating its web page, Training and Technical Assistance Opportunities for Tribes in Region 10. If you have other opportunities you think we should include, please email Susan Conbere at Conbere.Susan@epa.gov. In the meantime, take a gander at a wide...

Pathways to Science: STEM Funding and Research Opportunities

Pathways to Science compiles research and funding opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Some of these opportunities are in federal agencies, including EPA. Paid Summer 2025 Undergraduate Research...