IHS Solid Waste Safety Trainings

With funding from EPA, the Indian Health Service (IHS) is offering a wide variety of trainings for Tribal solid waste professionals. The course provides up to 11 months of unlimited access to on-demand safety trainings for solid waste collections, transfer stations,...

EPA’s Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Model Permit

If you are working to educate your community about the impacts of wasted food on the environment, take a gander at EPA’s graphics, which any community is welcome to use in its education efforts. Two fact sheets are also available: Food Waste and Methane Fact Sheet...

EPA Burn Wise Website

EPA’s Burn Wise website provides many handy resources to help you educate your community about safe ways to burn wood this winter:   Brochures and Flyers Example: Does Your Wood Stove Have a Dirty Little Secret (brochure) Example: Test Your Wood with a Moisture...

EPA’s National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution Strategy

EPA has released its National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution outlining opportunities for action to protect communities from the impacts of plastic production and waste and detailing how government agencies, businesses, non-profits, and communities can take...