If you have new staff on board, please direct them to our New Staff Toolkit, designed to help new Tribal environmental staff understand the typical activities in the first year and throughout their GAP career. Another superb resource for new and continuing staff is EPA’s Grants Management Training for Applicants and Recipients, which offers six online modules that you can complete at your leisure. When you complete a module, you can send the certificate to your Project Officer as a deliverable.

GAP Deadlines
As we start a new fiscal year (October 1-September 30), it seems a good time to provide some reminders about GAP grant requirements. As stated in last year’s Notice of Funding Availability, the following reports are required for all grantees. Column 4 lists some EPA resources to help you get them done.

ReportDue Date (for awards starting October 1)Due Date (for awards starting January 1)EPA Resources
Progress ReportsQuarterly, biannually, or annually. Refer to the Tribe’s Grant Agreement for due dates. Quarter 1: Progress reports due January 30. Quarter 2: Progress reports due April 30. Quarter 3: Progress reports due July 30. Quarter 4: Progress reports due October 30Quarterly, biannually, or annually. Refer to the Tribe’s Grant Agreement for due dates Quarter 1: Progress reports due April 30. Quarter 2: Progress reports due July 30. Quarter 3: Progress reports due October 30. Quarter 4: Progress reports due January 30GAP Administrative Resources: Progress Reporting  
Annual Federal Financial Reports (FFRs)    Within 90 days of the end of the project period (December 30)Within 90 days of the end of the project period (March 30)SF-425 Form SF-425 Instructions  
Final Federal Financial Report (FFR)Within 120 days of the end of the project period (January 30 for fiscal year grants; April 30 for calendar year grants)Within 120 days of the end of the project period (January 30 for fiscal year grants; April 30 for calendar year grants)SF-425 Form SF-425 Instructions Tribal Grant Closeouts in Region 10  
Final Performance ReportWithin 120 days of the end of the project period (January 30 for fiscal year grants).Within 120 days of the end of the project period (April 30).Tribal Grant Closeouts in Region 10