Federally recognized Indian Tribes in the Puget Sound area are invited to consult with EPA on its proposal to
reissue a General Permit for Ocean Disposal of Marine Mammal Carcasses. The general permit authorizes Tribal,
federal, state, and/or local governmental authorities, as well as any Alaska Native, who already may take marine
mammals under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and Endangered Species Act, to dispose of all or part of
marine mammal carcasses in ocean waters and in the ocean waters of Puget Sound under the Marine
Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act. The permit is primarily intended to be used in public health threat
situations, for example, after discovery of a carcass washed ashore in an advanced state of decay, and there is
not another viable option for the carcass other than disposal in ocean waters. Authorizing ocean disposal of
marine mammal carcasses through this general permit will minimize burdens associated with case-by-case

EPA will host an informational webinar on April 25.