EPA Region provides Training and Technical Assistance Opportunities as well as Tribal Environmental Webinars. We don’t always list all of them here, so please visit the EPA Region 10 website for the latest information.
Training and Technical Assistance Opportunities
Tribal Environmental Webinars
Upcoming Webinars and Training Opportunities
Best Practices and Labeling Large-Format Batteries to Increase Recycling: EPA Working Session – Apr 24
Join EPA for the first of two webinars this spring to gather input from interested parties on best practices for collecting large-format batteries to increase recycling, as well as labeling these batteries to improve collection and recycling. Large format batteries are rechargeable batteries over 25 pounds or more than 2000 watt-hours and often used in electric, hybrid, and internal combustion engine vehicles; other motive equipment; and stationary energy storage systems. This session will focus on recycling and refurbishing large format batteries. Register
Conducting Transfer Station Site Safety Inspections: EPA Safe Waste Management Webinar Series for Tribes – Apr 16
Learn how to conduct site safety inspections at your transfer station. This session will cover key safety practices, common hazards to looks for, and how to conduct thorough site inspections to protect workers, the public, and the environment. Learn practical strategies for identifying risks, implementing corrective actions, designing and improving your facility, identifying training needs, and ensuring compliance with regulations.
Managing Appliances Safely: EPA Safe Waste Management Webinar Series for Tribes – Mar 19
This webinar will explore best practices for handling discarded appliances and provide practical strategies for management. Learn how to properly store, transport, and recycle discarded appliances, as well as safely manage components like refrigerants, mercury switches, petroleum components, and PCBs.
Underground Storage Tanks: Oneida Nation Boot Camp – Apr 8-10
The Oneida Nation is hosting a free Underground Storage Tank (UST) Boot Camp for Compliance Assistance at Source University in Arlington, TX. This is an opportunity to interact with UST equipment manufacturers, service providers, federal regulators, and other Tribal professionals in the industry. Registration preference will be given to Tribes in Region 5.
- Register by March 12.
Alaska Tribal Conference on Environmental Management – Mar 25-28
Hosted by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, The Alaska Tribal Conference on Environmental Management (ATCEM) is a networking space for Tribal environmental professionals from across the state to learn from one another, connect with support organizations and agencies, and discover resources. The conference will be held in person in Anchorage. Registration will open soon.
After a Wildfire – Health and Safety Considerations: ITEP Training
This new online course from the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) provides Tribes with wildfire safety considerations for indoor air quality and how to return after a wildfire in 6 modules:
- Module 1 – Wildfire Effects, Monitoring, and Communication/Indoor Air Quality
- Module 2 – After a Wildfire: Indoor Air
- Module 3 – Distribution and Deposition of Wildfire Smoke Residues
- Module 4 – Re-Entry Safety Considerations
- Module 5 – Clean-Up Safety
- Module 6 – (Optional) ACAC Fire and Smoke Damage Certification
NAWM’s Pacific Northwest Tribal Clean Water Act Training – Nov 17-20
The National Association of Wetland Managers invites Tribal water quality and water resource staff to learn how to enhance your program’s capability to implement Clean Water Act (CWA) programs, including Section 106, Section 319, Section
303(d), water quality standards, and wetlands. The training will be held in person in Tulalip, WA. Please note that all Region 10 Tribes are welcome to attend, but the training and travel scholarships are designed for Tribes that are eligible for CWA programs.
- See the attached flyer for more information.
An informational meeting will be held on April 28 at 11:00 Pacific. This will be an opportunity to learn more about the training and to give NAWM feedback on your training needs.
- Register for the informational meeting.
EPA’s Tribal Clean Water Act Workshop – May 19-23
EPA Region 9 and the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe are inviting Tribal water quality/resource staff to attend the Tribal Clean Water Act workshop in Fallon, NV. Attendees will share knowledge, resources, and experiences to better implement Tribal Clean Water Act programs and to protect Tribal water resources for future generations. Please note that the workshop is currently open to Region 9 Tribes, but may be opened to other Tribes if space is available.
One Health One Future: UAF Conference (Alaska) – May 27-30
One Health, based at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, recognizes the interdependence of human, animal and environmental health, and that a holistic approach to the well-being of all will lead to improved health outcomes and enhanced resilience. The One Health One Future conference is designed for indigenous organizations and community members, faculty, staff, and students of higher education, researchers, K-12 educators, community leaders, administrators, non-profit partners, government agencies, and other professionals. Participation is anticipated from across the Arctic region. The event will be held both virtually and in-person in Fairbanks. Registration for Indigenous registrants is free.
EPA’s Tribal Clean Water Act Workshop – May 19-23
EPA Region 9 and the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe are inviting Tribal water quality/resource staff to attend the Tribal Clean Water Act workshop in Fallon, NV. Attendees will share knowledge, resources, and experiences to better implement Tribal Clean Water Act programs and to protect Tribal water resources for future generations.
Expanding End of Life Management for Large Format Batteries–Recycling and Refurbishing: EPA Working Session – Apr 24
Join EPA for the second of two webinars this spring to gather input from interested parties on best practices for collecting large-format batteries to increase recycling, as well as labeling these batteries to improve collection and recycling. This virtual working session will focus on recycling and refurbishing large format batteries. Speakers will discuss recycling capacity, recycler’s needs, safety concerns, and the current state of the market.
EPA’s National Air Toxics Conference – Apr 15-17
The National Air Toxics Conference provides an in-person forum for EPA and its partners to share experiences and information with air toxics professionals across federal, state, local, and Tribal regulatory organizations. The conference will be held in person in Denver, CO.
EPA is also seeking technical presenters and panelists to lead discussions on a variety of air toxics topics. If interested, please apply by Jan. 31.
Understanding Climate Risk – Hazard, Vulnerability, and Community Resilience Training (Washington) – Mar 25
Attend this training to learn how to assess ways in which climate models can project future climate conditions; demonstrate competency with the Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool and the National Risk Index; analyze disaster scenarios regarding future climate and social conditions; and analyze how climate disruptions can negatively impact community lifelines, supply chains, and vulnerable communities. King County Emergency Management, the Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management, and the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University are hosting this training both virtually and in person in Renton, WA.
Project Planning, QAPPs, & Grants for Alaska: ITEP Course – Mar 18-20
This course hosted by the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) is designed for tribal environmental staff who manage air quality projects in Alaska Native communities. The course will be held in Anchorage, AK. Topics will include:
- Visioning and planning for air quality work in Alaska Native communities
- Creating an air quality plan
- Engaging the community
- Building partnerships
- Developing and managing an air quality project
- Using a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
- Developing a grant work plan with outputs and outcomes
- Grant reporting
- Apply by Feb. 12.
EPA’s Air Sensors Workshop – Mar 18-20
Join EPA virtually or in person in Raleigh, NC, for the Air Sensors Workshop. The event will provide a forum to discuss basic air sensor policies and practices, tools for impact, community engagement, study results, and more.
Rising Voices Center for Indigenous and Earth Sciences Workshop – May 20-22
Learning from People and Place: Climate Adaptation and Restoration Action in Louisiana’s Working Coast is the theme of the next Rising Voices Center for Indigenous and Earth Sciences Workshop, which will be held in person in Thibodaux, LA. The workshop will focus on navigating place-based climate actions in Louisiana. The First Peoples’ Conservation Council of Louisiana and member Tribes are leading coastal restoration and climate adaptation actions focused on restoring marshland, protecting sacred sites, reducing land loss and flood risk, increasing Tribal resilience and a regenerative future, and land rematriation for all living relatives. Register by Jan. 31
Native Youth Community Adaptation Leadership Congress – Jun 21-26
The Native Youth Community Adaptation Leadership Congress (NYCALC) aims to develop future conservation leaders with the skills, knowledge, and tools to address environmental change and conservation challenges to better serve their schools and home communities. Native students from Federally Recognized Tribes from across the country join to discuss community adaptation and related environmental issues impacting Native peoples. Apply by Feb. 28
Smoke Management in the Northwest: EPA Conference – Apr 22-24
EPA’s Smoke Management conference will focus on innovative approaches to smoke management, the latest research, and collaborative solutions for wildfire and prescribed burn challenges. The location has tentatively been set for Boise, ID.
- Complete the pre-conference survey by Jan. 17.
- Register
Residential Wood Smoke: EPA/WESTAR Workshop – Mar 11-13
The Residential Wood Smoke Workshop, organized by EPA and the Western States Air Resources Council (WESTAR), will be held in Denver, CO. The workshop will cover a wide range of topics:
- PM2.5 NAAQS, non-attainment, and residential wood combustion
- Regulatory & voluntary wood smoke (PM2.5, toxics) reduction strategies
- Outreach and engagement strategies
- Available funding for cleaner technologies, with an emphasis on heat pumps
- Wood smoke monitoring (outdoor and indoor) and wood heater testing
- Possible technology tour at a local heating appliance store
EPA invites your suggestions on discussion topics, challenges, and opportunities you would like to explore during the workshop. If you have recommendations for topics or speakers or are interested in presenting, contact Danielle Johnson at Johnson.Danielle@epa.gov or 919-541-1385.
Climate Adaptation Planning for Emergency Managers: FEMA Resources
The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Climate Adaptation Planning: Guidance for Emergency Managers helps emergency managers incorporate climate adaptation into emergency management planning. The document walks state, local, Tribal, and territorial partners through the Six Step Planning Process, as identified in “Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101: Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans.” FEMA has also released a short video summarizing how emergency managers can incorporate climate into the Six Step Planning Process. Supporting documents are available on the Planning Guides page.
Solid Waste: EPA/IHS On-Demand Trainings
This has been shared before, but in case you missed it, EPA’s American Indian Environmental Office has teamed up with the Indian Health Service (IHS) to make on-demand training courses available to Tribal staff through the Solid Waste Association of North America. When you register, you will get a username/password to access the trainings.
The Clean Water Act through an Environmental Justice Lens: EPA Watershed Academy Module
Developed by the EPA’s Watershed Academy, this module explores the Clean Water Act (CWA) as a guiding framework to highlight water equity challenges and watershed management opportunities. It explains the basics of environmental justice, provides a brief overview of 10 cornerstone CWA programs that drive surface-water quality protection, and outlines clear opportunities for the public to engage in the CWA process.
Salmon Recovery Conference, Yakima, WA, April 28-30, 2025
This annual conference will include discussion of innovations being used in partnerships, projects, coordination, community involvement, and funding to integrate salmon recovery with other interests while reflecting diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. We believe many of you have great stories to tell in this arena. The Columbia River Basin Toxics Monitoring Subgroup is coordinating a proposal to provide the latest toxics research information to the salmon recovery community who often don’t hear about toxics.
ITEP Training: Development and Implementation of Tribal Solid Waste Codes and Ordinances – Jan-Apr 2025
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP), the Indian Health Service (IHS), and EPA are offering the “Development and Implementation of Tribal Solid Waste Codes and Ordinances” training course. The course includes online training, self-paced online assignments, and an in-person workshop to focus on developing and implementing effective Tribal solid waste codes.
- January 27-30, 2025: Online Training Week
- February 19, 2025: Online Half-Day Training
- April 8-10, 2025: In-Person Workshop
- Apply by Dec. 11.
IHS Solid Waste Safety Trainings
With funding from EPA, the Indian Health Service (IHS) is offering a wide variety of trainings for Tribal solid waste professionals. The course provides up to 11 months of unlimited access to on-demand safety trainings for solid waste collections, transfer stations, and landfills. In addition to individual webinars and lesson collections, safety certification is available. Training topics include emergency response, equipment safety, first aid, machine maintenance, workplace hazards, and much more. Some in-person classes are also available.
Completed Webinars
An Overview of 6PPD-Quinone: SABCS Recording
“An Overview of 6PPD-Quinone: Where We Started, Where We Are Now, and Where We Are Headed” was recorded at the 14th Annual SABCS Workshop & Conference on Contaminated Sites, September 25-26, in British Columbia, Canada. The presentation covers how researchers linked stormwater and tire chemicals to coho mortality and provides an overview of ongoing current research in the aquatic ecotoxicology lab at Washington State University. The search for alternatives to 6PPD and the regulatory actions being taken in the U.S. are also described.
Underground Storage Tank Finder: EPA Webinar Recording
On December 16, EPA hosted a webinar for Tribes to demonstrate how to use the EPA application UST Finder to locate underground storage tanks on and around Tribal reservations/land areas.
- Listen to the recording: Demonstration of UST Finder-20241216_110809-Meeting Recording.mp4
Opportunities for Renewable Energy on Contaminated Sites under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: EPA Webinar Recording
EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) will be investing $27 billion in federal resources and mobilizing significant additional private capital over the next 5-7 years to address the climate crisis. Eligible clean energy investments include renewable energy projects on contaminated sites such as brownfields, landfills, and former mine lands. In this webinar, learn how some GGRF could support financing for renewables on contaminated sites and how others may choose to consider clean energy redevelopment. The webinar includes an update on GGRF’s three programs — the National Clean Investment Fund, the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator, and the Solar for All program — as well as a panel discussing creative renewable energy strategies for contaminated sites.
Flexibilities of a PPG: EPA Region 10 Webinar Recording
On December 17, EPA Region 10 hosted a webinar on the rather surprising flexibilities of a Performance Partnership Grant (PPG) and how to apply. If you were not able to record and either 1) have a PPG or 2) are interested in applying for one, we encourage you to review the slides and recording. The slides are attached.
- Listen to the recording. The passcode is 50277188.
- Learn about the National Environmental Performance Partnership System (NEPPS)
Review the Best Practices Guide for Performance Partnership Grants with Tribes and Intertribal Consortia
Opportunities for Renewable Energy on Contaminated Sites under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: EPA Webinar Recording
EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) will be investing $27 billion in federal resources, and mobilizing significant additional private capital, over the next five to seven years to address the climate crisis. Eligible clean energy investments include renewable energy projects on contaminated sites such as brownfields, landfills, and former mine lands. In this webinar, learn how some GGRF could support financing for renewables on contaminated sites and how others may choose to consider clean energy redevelopment of these sites. The webinar includes an update on GGRF’s three programs — the National Clean Investment Fund, the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator, and the Solar for All program — as well as a panel discussing creative renewable energy strategies for contaminated sites.
Emerging Contaminants: EPA Webinar Recording
Missed the October 27 and November 5 webinars on the Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant Tribal Set Aside Emerging Contaminant Grant Program and the Emerging Contaminant in Small and Disadvantaged Communities Tribal Program? We’ve got your back.
- Listen to the recording. Passcode: 75482478
- The presentation is attached.
Note there is no cost share, PFAS is the priority (but other contaminants on the Contaminant Candidate List are eligible), and technical assistance is readily available.
When the funding opportunities are announced, we will share them in the weekly news digest and on EPA’s Tribal Programs in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska website.
Clean Energy Funding for Alaskan Homes and Businesses: REAP Webinar Recording
An unprecedented amount of funding for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects is currently being made available for Alaskans. With such a wealth of opportunity available, determining which opportunities to pursue and how to do so can seem daunting. This webinar hosted by the Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP) on October 9 features subject matter experts who present key information and answer audience questions on clean energy funding for Alaskan homes and businesses.
Landscape of Tribal Communities: ACCAP Webinar Recording
On September 25, the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP) hosted this webinar about the challenges Tribes face living and working in rural Alaska. This webinar may prove useful to anyone who works with Tribes in this region. Resources include two graphics, A Day in the Life of an Alaskan Tribe and Internal Stressors Tribal Members Face.
Emerging Contaminants Webinar Recording
EPA Region 10 just completed the first of two webinars on emerging contaminants, such as PFAS, Manganese, Cyanotoxins, and 6PPD. The webinar discussed the Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant Tribal Set Aside Emerging Contaminant Grant Program and the Emerging Contaminant in Small and Disadvantaged Communities Tribal Program, upcoming funding opportunities, and technical assistance.
- Listen to the recording. Passcode: 75482478
- The presentation is attached.
If you missed this week’s webinar, please join us on November 5 for a reprise:
Brownfields Grants: EPA Webinar Recordings
EPA is soliciting applications for Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund and Cleanup Grant funding. These grants help communities turn vacant and abandoned properties into community assets that attract jobs and promote economic revitalization. Applications are due by November 14.
- Visit the MARC Grant Application Resources page for the recordings and a copy of the presentations.
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.Microplastics are common in salmon, other iconic Pacific Northwest fish, seafood
Scientists in Oregon have now found microplastics – particles smaller than 5 millimeters from the degradation of plastic in the environment – in salmon and several other iconic Pacific Northwest f...epa.us7.list-manage.com